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Friday, April 5, 2024 GMT+1

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University of Iceland

Reykjavík, Iceland

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Vinnusmiðja í vísindamiðlun og grafískri framsetningu vísinda

Boðið er upp á heils dags vinnusmiðju fyrir skráða félaga í VistÍs í húsakynnum Háskóla Íslands þann 6. apríl í kjölfar ráðstefnu félagsins 2024. Á vinnustofunni munu þátttakendur fá fræðslu um hagnýtar leiðir í miðlun eigin rannsóknaverkefna, bæði til almennings og vísindasamfélagsins.

Áhersla á að vísindafólk geti miðlað eigin rannsóknum á skiljanlegan og aðlaðandi máta hefur aukist, einnig eru vaxandi kröfur um að höfundar sendi myndræna útgáfu af útdráttum til ýmissa vísindatímarita og ráðstefna. Þá skiptir máli að geta safnað aðlaðandi og lýsandi myndefni í rannsóknarleiðöngrum og útbúið myndskeið eða upplýsingarit sem lýsa kjarna rannsóknarinnar. Þátttakendur fá tækifæri til að vinna að myndrænni framsetningu eigin rannsókna með leiðsögn reyndra aðila á vinnustofunni.


Anaïs Remili, PhD sjávarlíffræðingur og nýdoktor, mun segja frá eigin reynslu og fræða þátttakendur um gerð upplýsingamyndrita og aðra grafíska útfærslu við miðlun rannsókna en hún hefur verið mjög virk í miðlun eigin vísinda. Sérfræðingar á Markaðs- og samskiptasviði Háskóla Íslands munu fræða þátttakendur um gagnlegar leiðir við söfnun myndefnis í felti og um gerð fréttatilkynninga. Kennarar í upplýsingatækni við Menntavísindasvið HÍ munu leiðbeina þátttakendum um vinnulag við myndbandagerð og notkun á gagnlegum grafískum forritum.


Rýmið býður upp á takmarkaðan fjölda og fá því framhaldsnemar sem eru félagar VistÍs forgang á námskeiðið, en reynt verður eftir fremsta megni að koma öllum að sem sækja um. Nemendur sem eru félagar í VistÍs þurfa ekki að greiða fyrir aðgang að námskeiðinu.


Skráningin fer fram hér og hefur verið framlengð til 5. apríl.

Workshop in science communication and graphic presentation of science

A full-day workshop will be offered for registered members of VistÍs at the University of Iceland on April 6th, following the VistÍS conference 2024. At the workshop, participants will receive training on practical ways to communicate their own research projects, both to the public and the scientific community. There is a growing emphasis on scientists being able to communicate their own research in an understandable and attractive way, also, there are also growing demands for authors to send graphic versions of abstracts to various scientific journals and conferences. It is also important to be able to collect attractive and illustrative visuals during research expeditions and to prepare videos or information materials that describe the essence of the research. Participants will have the opportunity to work on a visual presentation of their own research under the guidance of experienced people in the workshop.


Anaïs Remili, a PhD marine biologist and a post-doc, will talk about her own experience in science communication and educate the participants about the making of infographics and other graphic designs for the dissemination of their research. Experts from the University of Iceland's Department of Marketing and Communications will educate participants about useful ways of collecting footage in the field and about making press releases.IT teachers from the Faculty of Education at UI will guide the participants on how to work with video production and the use of useful graphic programs.


The space offers a limited number, so graduate students who are members of VistÍs will be prioritized for the course, but every effort will be made to accommodate everyone who applies. Student members get free access to the workshop.


Register here! Registration has been extended until April 5.

Workshop programme

Vistfræðifélag workshop on science communication

6th April 09:00-18:00, Oddi, University of Iceland

09:00-09:15 Welcome by the workshop orginizing committee of VistÍs

Edda Elísabet Magnúsdóttir and Filipa Samarra – University of Iceland

09:15-10:15 Marketing department – Be your own PR in the field! How researchers can collect good quality footage andi mages in the field and in the lab

Jón Örn Guðbjartsson - Head of Marketing at the Department of Marketing & Communications at the University of Iceland

10:15-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-11:30 Good multimedia practice! The theory - How can multimedia benefit your research? – User friendly programs

Skúlína Hlíf Kjartandóttir, adjunct professor in multimedia education at the School of Education, University of Iceland

Björgvin Ívar Guðbrandsson, adjunct professor in multimedia education at the School of Education, University of Iceland

11:30-12:30 Lunch break

12:30-13:30 How to combine science communication and academia for early-career scientists part I

Anaïs Remili – A scientists and a science communicator! Personal experience and good practice

13:30-14:00 Coffee break

14:00-15:00 How to combine science communication and academia for early-career scientists part II

Anaïs Remili – A scientists and a science communicator! Personal experience and good practice

15:00-15:15 Coffee break

15:15-18:00 Practical session with IT teachers

Skúlína Hlíf Kjartandóttir, adjunct professor in multimedia education at the School of Education, University of Iceland

Björgvin Ívar Guðbrandsson, adjunct professor in multimedia education at the School of Education, University of Iceland
