This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Nordic Society Oikos events.


Friday, April 5, 2024 GMT+1

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University of Iceland

Reykjavík, Iceland

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Skráning opnar bráðlega.

Athugið að innsending ágrips er ekki skráning á ráðstefnuna, því er mikilvægt að allir sem hyggjast mæta, hvort sem er flytjendur erinda eða áhorfendur skrái sig á ráðstefnuna svo við höfum upplýsingar um fjölda gesta. Ætlast er til að flytjendur flytji sín erindi á ráðstefnusvæðin, en ekki á netinu.


Registration to the conference will open soon.

Please note that submitting an abstract does NOT automatically register you to the conference. Whether you are presenting or just attending the conference, it is important to register so that we have information about the number of participants to the event. Presenters have to attend the conference in person.

Registration options

Registration VistÍs members

Attendance of VistÍs members to the annual meeting is free.

Member Price Complimentary

Registration non-members

Attendance to the annual meeting for non-members is 5,000 kr. Alternatively, you can become a VistÍs member :)


Workshop registration students

Participation in the workshop is free for students who are VistÍs members

Member Price Complimentary

Workshop registration non-students

Non-students can also register to the workshop if there are still spots available, but have to cover their registration costs.
