Day 1
Opening address
Ayco Tack, Stockholm University, Department of Ecology,
Environment & Plant Sciences
Location: Stora Hörsalen
Keynote Lecture 1
“Cutting Edge: The role of forestry in riparian and stream ecology”
Chair: Caroline Greiser, Stockholm University, Department of Physical Geography
Location: Stora hörsalen
Coffee break
Bistro at the Swedish Museum of Natural History
Bistro at the Swedish Museum of Natural History
Introduction to Planetary Biology, SciLifeLab
Anders Andersson and Olga Vinnere Pettersson, Planetary Biology Capability at SciLifeLab
Location: Stora hörsalen
Keynote lecture #2 โ Planetary Biology Lecture
“Sensors and AI for seabird research and monitoring”
Chair: Anders Andersson, Scientific co-Lead for Planetary Biology
Location: Stora hörsalen
Poster session incl. fika
Chair: Maria Faticov, Stockholm UniversityLocation: Exhibition hall H on floor 5Posters will be displayed on the fifth floor in Exhibition hall H, currentlyhousing the Research Museum exhibition. Please follow the signs.Presenters will be expected to attend their poster throughout the session.Posters eligible for the poster price competition should be marked with asticker (available at registration desk) and will be judged by an independentanonymous panel of judges. Coffee, tea and fika will be ...
Chair: Maria Faticov, Stockholm University
Location: Exhibition hall H on floor 5
Posters will be displayed on the fifth floor in Exhibition hall H, currently
housing the Research Museum exhibition. Please follow the signs.
Presenters will be expected to attend their poster throughout the session.
Posters eligible for the poster price competition should be marked with a
sticker (available at registration desk) and will be judged by an independent
anonymous panel of judges. Coffee, tea and fika will be served in the same hall.
view moreConference dinner
Conference dinner
Restaurant Proviant, Albano Campus
Albanovägen 24, Stockholm
Parallel session 1a
Location: Stora HรถrsalenClimate change ecology
Chair: Ayco Tack, Stockholm University, Department of Ecology, Environment & Plant Sciences
10:30 – 10:45 Lars Hillström, Universtity of Gävle - “The timing of winter fur change in the mountain hare in relation to elevation and latitude”
10:45 – 11:00 Hana Merchant, Royal Holloway University of London - “Extreme arid adaptation in South African mole-rat populations along an environmental gradient”
11:00 – 11:15 Theodore Squires, University of Akureyri - “Genomic vulnerability of north Atlantic ptarmigan in response to climate change”
11:15 – 11:30 Suzie Derminon, SLU Uppsala - “Time in urban ecology: Effect of urban trajectories on bird and plant population trends”
11:30 – 11:45 Göran Englund, Umeå University - “Why we disagree about the climate impact of forestry - A quantitative analysis”
11:45 – 12:00 Caroline Greiser, Stockholm University - “Warmer waters - Riparian buffers protect boreal streams from heating up on clearcuts”
Parallel session 1b
Location: Lilla HรถrsalenConservation ecology
Chair: Kristel van Zuijlen, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department of Palaeobiology
10:30 – 10:45 Mette Lillie, Uppsala University - “Large scale, low coverage conservation genomics of the vulnerable Swedish sand lizard”
10:45 – 11:00 Ellinor Ramberg, SLU Uppsala - “Local deadwood abundance and surrounding landscape composition shape saproxylic beetle assemblages in burnt forests”
11:00 – 11:15 Edmond Sacre, SLU Aqua
“Identifying priority areas for the expansion of the Swedish MPA network to conserve connectivity and vulnerable habitats”
11:15 – 11:30 Elin Myrenås, SLU Aqua - “Restocking, the rescue or demise of the European eel?”
11:30 – 11:45 Obsu Hirko Diriba, Stockholm University - “The impact of agriculture and agroforestry on down-stream water quality and biodiversity in tropical mosaic landscape”
11:45 – 12:00 Malin Tälle, SLU Uppsala - “The usefulness of indicator species in conservation”
Day 2
Introduction to Nordic Society Oikos Journals
Friederike Gehrmann, Managing Editor for Nordic Journal of Botany
Location: Stora hörsalen
Keynote lecture #3
“Plants and pollinators: what we know from space, time, and experiments about how the Arctic is changing”
Chair: Kalle Gotthard, Stockholm University, Department of Zoology
Location: Stora hörsalen
Coffee break
Bistro at the Swedish Museum of Natural History
Bistro at the Swedish Museum of Natural History
Keynote lecture #4
“Ecological Niche dynamics during adaptive radiation on Oceanic Islands”
Chair: Martin Irestedt, Swedish Museum of Natural History
Location: Stora hörsalen
Poster competition - winners announcement
Location: Stora hörsalen
Yannick Woudstra, Stockholm University
Coffee break
Exhibition hall H (Floor5)
Keynote Lecture #5
“Climate, calendars and crystal balls: Long-term studies of phenology, climate and abundance in the US and Sweden”
Chair: Johan Ehrlén, Stockholm University, Department of Ecology, Environment & Plant Sciences
Location: Stora hörsalen
Closing address
Ayco Tack & Agnes Karlsson Stockholm University,
Department of Ecology, Environment & Plant Sciences
Location: Stora hörsalen
Parallel session 1a
Location: Stora HรถrsalenBiodiversity across space and time
Location: Stora hörsalen
Chair: Matilda Arnell, Stockholm University, Department of Ecology, Environment, and Plant Sciences
10:30 – 10:45 Tim Horstkotte, Umeå University - “15 years of monitoring – can we detect changes in tundra plant communities?”
10:45 – 11:00 Ditte Marie Christiansen, University of Copenhagen - “Competitive interactions modify the direct effects of climate”
11:00 – 11:15 Olle Lindestad, Stockholm University - “Invasive lupines in Sweden: limited by climate, or by dispersal?”
11:15 – 11:30 Robert Björk, Gothenburg University - “Plant abundance drives beta-diversity changes in a warmer Arctic”
11:30 – 11:45 Lukas Rimondini, Stockholm University - “Responses to extinction drivers vary among specialist plants in Baltic coastal meadows”
11:45 – 12:00 György Barabas, Linköping University - “Trait-based higher-order interactions and species coexistence”
Parallel session 1b
Location: Lilla HรถrsalenMicrobial diversity & processes
Location: Lilla hörsalen
Chair: Maria Faticov, Stockholm University, Department of Ecology, Environment & Plant Sciences
10:30 – 10:45 Krzysztof Jurdzinski, KTH Royal Institute of Technology - “Distinct bacterial and protist plankton diversity dynamics uncovered through DNA-based monitoring in the Baltic Sea area”
10:45 – 11:00 Elizabeth Sands, Umeå University - “Phytoplankton adaptation to a browning light spectrum in the Baltic Sea area - community competition”
11:00 – 11:15 Ruud Rijkers, Stockholm University - “Carbon cycling below three common plants encroaching the Low Canadian Arctic”
11:15 – 11:30 Cole Brachmann, Gothenburg University - “Impacts of large herbivores on mycorrhizal fungal communities across the Arctic”
11:30 – 11:45 Stefano Manzoni, Stockholm University - “How do decomposers face nutrient limitation?”
11:45 – 12:00 Rike Stelkens, Stockholm University - “The evolution of thermal performance curves in response to rising temperature across the model genus yeast”
Parallel session 2a
Stora hรถrsalenEvolutionary ecology
Chair: Yannick Woudstra, Stockholm University, Department of Ecology, Environment & Plant Sciences
15:00 – 15:15 Alex Hart, Uppsala University - “Adapting fast and slow: The repeatability and molecular basis of plastic and genetic responses to temperature extremes”
15:15 – 15:30 Audrey Bras, University of Helsinki - “What can museomics reveal on temporal
changes of genetic diversity in Finnish butterflies with varying population trends”
15:30 – 15:45 Martina Bovolenta, Stockholm University - “Local adaptation of life cycle regulation in a range expanding butterfly”
15:45 – 16:00 Martin Lind, Halmstad University - “Sex-specific growth and lifespan effects of germline removal in the dioecious nematode Caenorhabditis remanei”
16:00 – 16:15 Xiao-Ru Wang, Umeå University -“Landscape of genetic diversity in Scots pine across Eurasia”
16:15 – 16:30 Brian Inouye, Florida State University - “Distributional thinking and the HerbVar project”
Parallel session 2b
Lilla hรถrsalenTrophic interactions
Location: Lilla hörsalen
Chair: Francesco Masnadi, Stockholm University, Department of Ecology, Environment & Plant Sciences
15:00 – 15:15 Kinlan Jan, Stockholm University - “Resource competition between small pelagic fish in the central Baltic Sea”
15:15 – 15:30 Peter Hambäck, Stockholm University - “Community filtering in wetlands: the role of hydrological processes and dry refuges at different spatial scales”
15:30 – 15:45 Lisette van Kolfschoten, Uppsala University - “Ants protect against fig crop devastation by a community of specialist fig-eating moths”
15:45 – 16:00 Marianne Stoessel, Stockholm University - “Where do reindeer graze? A study of the interplay between abiotic factors and human presence in the mountain tundra”
16:00 – 16:15 Liyenne Hagenberg, Umeå University - “Reindeer grazing counterbalances the treeline expansion in the Scandinavian subarctic”
16:15– 16:30 Håkan Rydin, Uppsala University - “Pan Svecicus – Linnaeus’s innovative large-scale feeding experiment”