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Tromsรธ Museum, UIT-The Arctic University of Tromsรธ logoNordic Society Oikos logoThe Arctic Five logoNorges forskningsrรฅd logo

Event Details

By gathering experts on different components of the soil food web and its functioning, this workshop aims at compiling the high-priority knowledge gaps, in terms of taxonomy, distribution and biogeochemical impacts, under the form of an opinion piece. This will allow to pave the way for future collaborations, across institutions and countries but more importantly across taxonomic groups, disciplines and regions of the Arctic.

Consequently, this workshop also aims to establish an international network of arctic soil food web ecologists. This is an opportunity to put into contact established and more junior researchers with complementary expertise on different compartments of the soil food web: from microorganisms and gases to roots and their consumers.

The workshop will take place at the Tromsรธ Museum in northern Norway, on the 6h and 7th of May 2024.
